Spectral Manipulations

Essential FTIR features fast, interactive data manipulations. Results are shown immediately while changing parameters. Infinite-level Undo lets you back out of any manipuations

  • Zap spectral regions, with zeros or interpolated lines, with the capability of adding noise back into the zapped regions
  • Manual Baseline Correction with user-specified baselines
  • Automatic Baseline Correction
  • X-Axis Shift and Stretch
  • Ratio spectra
  • FFT: Fast Fourier Transform of interferograms, with control over zero-filling, apodization and phase correction
  • Convert data between Absorbance, Transmittance, and Reflectance units of measure
  • 5 to 99 point smoothing, with Savitsky-Golay, moving average, Hannig and Hamming window methods
  • Savitksy-Golay derivatives
  • Interpolate / Decimate to change the resolution of the spectral data
  • Manual Interactive Spectral Subtraction
  • Automatic Spectral Subtraction optimized over a user-selected region
  • Offset data by a constant
  • Scale data by a constant
  • Truncate to change the spectral data limits
  • Kramers-Kroning transform using the Maclaurin method
  • Raman Shift correction: with user supplied excitation frequency
  • Advanced ATR Correction: corrects for dispersion and depth of penetration
  • Normalizations: Normalize the data to a minimum, a range, or using Vector Normalization
  • Match spectra: set a group of spectra to have the same starting and ending values and number of data points